Pastor's pen - November 2007
Dear Friends in Christ,
Eucharist, one of the terms used for the Lord's Supper, means thanksgiving. In sharing this meal we give thanks to God for the great things that God has done for us and for all of God's children in the life and ministry, death and resurrection of the Savior, Jesus the Christ. This thanksgiving doe not need to wait for the once a year American holiday of Thanksgiving. This thanksgiving is a thanksgiving of every day life. It becomes a way of living, an attitude of grace as God's people live their lives in relationship to the whole of God's creation. This thanksgiving is not marked by football and overeating. Rather it is marked by the ways in which we are freed to spend ourselves for the sake of the gospel.
During the month of November there are some very real ways in which we can share our thanksgiving with others in the world. This is the month to remember gifts for the food shelves, both dollars as well as non-perishable food items and paper products. If every member makes an effort to remember a gift for the food shelf this month what a difference it would make in this holiday season of increased pressure on food shelf resources.
This month is also a time to think about benevolence giving through the congregation to the church at large. These benevolence gifts are a sign of our being connected to brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the whole world. Ministries that we would be unable to do on our own, we are able to do cooperatively and the good news of salvation continues to be shared in word and deed for the sake of all of God's children. Each of the congregations has committed to a goal of increasing benevolence giving by 1% of the annual budget each year. You, however, make that goal possible with the gifts that you regularly and generously indicate for benevolences on your envelope. These gifts and only these gifts go to meet the congregation's yearly goal for general benevolence giving. However, you can also be assured that these gifts are only used for the purpose for which you give them. The church councils are committed to regularly and faithfully submitting the benevolence gifts just as you are regular and faithful in your giving to your congregation.
As we celebrate our thankfulness in the Eucharist, we share our thanks in lives of praise and service in the name of the Savior, Jesus the Christ.
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