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28 August 2006

Pastor's Pen September 2006



Dear Friends in Christ,

September marks the beginning of the fall schedule of activities in the congregations. Often it can be simply a matter of starting up once again what has been done in the past. Certain programs and ministries take on a life of their own and simply repeat themselves from one season to the next. There can be some comfort and security in that repetition but it also can mean that the programs or ministries become no longer effective to communicate the gospel in ways for which they were once intended. As times and seasons change it can become the opportunity to intentionally explore the possibility that the time for change in the ministries of congregations has also come.

One example might be the area of educational ministries in congregational life. It is the belief of the Church that education and learning are essential for all of God's people. And yet much of the time and energy for this ministry emphasizes the education of children as opposed to the whole people of God. Is it possible that a model for education that served well in the last century needs to be reconsidered to address the changing circumstances of the new? Is it possible that there might be ways to not limit learning to children and youth but rather to include the many generations of God's people in a holistic approach to the life of faith?Is it time for individual families and by extension the whole family of the church to become involved in learning and growing in ways that translate into greater activities of worship and service in the name of Christ for the sake of the world?

Sometimes it can be easier to just let things continue as they always have. Sometimes easier is not that to which God's people are called if they would be faithful to the invitation of Jesus to follow him wherever he might lead. It can be challenging to rethink what has been a comfortable companion in life, but to be faithful is to be challenged everyday to as effectively as possible share the gospel with the world.

As the fall programs and ministries begin once again, take some time to think of new ways that we can all serve more faithfully and grow more completely as the people of God.


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